zaterdag 17 juli 2010

The Tea Party Movement

Zoals velen ondertussen wel weten, is er ondertussen in de USA - waar ik op dit moment ben - een Tea Party beweging, die - in ieder geval de schijn opwekken - voor meer vrijheid zijn. Ik ben echter een beetje aan het sukkelen met mijn opinie hierover, omdat er ook - naar mijn mening - rottende elementen in zitten. Dan D'Amico op zijn blog heeft echter een uitstekend stukje:

I think of the tea party movement in the same way as I think of many conspiratorial movements (911 truthers, reptilians, bohemian grove, etc.). While I think that their particular psoitions are ridiculous, I am not surprised that these groups exist and persist. In a world where the government claims to know what is best for you, better than you know what is best for yourself, it seems an obvious next step in that logical chain to presume that the government knows things that you don't know, knows things that you would like to know and that the government actively tries to keep these things from you. I'm not convinced that the government knows what they think they know let alone do I believe that they know things that I don't.

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