dinsdag 15 december 2009

Literature on Liberty

In dit artikel beschrijft Tom Palmer de literatuur over vrijheid beschikbaar. 'k vat de titels even samen.

  1. Economics in one lesson ~ Hazlitt
  2. The freemans Library ~ Hazlitt
  3. For a New Liberty ~ Rothbard
  4. Anarchy, State and Utopia ~ Nozick
  5. Capitalism: the unknown ideal ~ Rand
  6. Isabel Paterson (zonder boek)
  7. Rose Wilder Lane (zonder boek)
  8. Liberalism ~ Mises
  9. The Road to Serfdom ~ Hayek
  10. The Constitution of Liberty ~ Hayek
  11. Law, Legislation & Liberty ~ Hayek
  12. Capitalism & Freedom ~ M. Friedman
  13. Free to Choose ~ M. Friedman
  14. On Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism ~ Norman Barry
  15. The Libertarian Idea ~ Narveson
  16. Choice, contract, consent: A restatement of liberalism ~ De Jasay
  17. Simple rules for a complex world ~ Epstein
  18. The Libertarian Reader ~ Edited Boaz
  19. The Libertarian Alternative ~ Edited Machan
  20. Liberty for the 21th Century ~ Edited Rasmussen
  21. Liberty against power: essays by Roy A. Childs ~ Roy Childs
  22. (... een deel ontbreekt...)
  23. Freedom and Domination ~ Rustow
  24. Community in historical perspective ~ Black
  25. Medieval Cities: Their origins and the growt of trade ~ Pirenne
  26. The Fatal Conceit ~ Hayek
  27. Law and Revolution ~ Berman
Etc. (To be continued)

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