donderdag 24 december 2009

A priori internationale relaties

In het artikel 'Toward an A Priori Theory of International Relations' probeert de auteur exact wat de titel zegt.

Het meest interessante was deze claim:
Contrariwise, the shorter the leader’s term in office, ceteris paribus, the higher his time preference will be. Again, the implication for international relations is clear: Those countries with shorter terms for their leaders (democracies in particular) will be more present-oriented. Most importantly, the more present-oriented a leader is, ceteris paribus, the more likely he is to engage in aggressive actions toward other nations.
Maar waarom zien we dan zo weinig democratieën die onderling vechten?

1 opmerking:

Michael zei

Omdat de "ceteris" niet altijd "paribus" zijn.